Mental Health Partner Benefits

Making travel more enjoyable and accessible for individuals who prioritize mental health & wellness.
Mental Health Partners Benefits
Travelers who are clients or staff of our mental health partners receive the following benefits:


  • Minimum Travel Days Waiver: CXN Travel waives minimum travel requirements for mental health organizations in its network.

  • Savings on Full Travel Concierge: For clients who already have coaching, CXN Travel also waives the coaching add-on requirement with the full travel concierge option.

  • Complimentary Hotel-Only Bookings for Staff: the partnered organization's staff enjoy free hotel-only reservations through CXN Travel, still having the ability to take advantage of travel perks.

  • Discounts: access to discounted hotel rates at select properties


Access to a HIPAA-Compliant Digital Care Program for Client Accountability.


Partnered organizations have access to a travel specific relapse prevention group, facilitated by CXN Travel staff. The group is focused on the research behind why travel is stressful when in addiction recovery and how building resilience can result in a lower likelihood of relapse. Travel tips are reviewed for interacting with hotels, restaurants and the travel experience. The presentation is followed by an engaging group discussion with the option to add an additional travel relapse planning workshop.


All partnered mental health organizations are included in CXN Travel & Recover Hospitality’s referral network for when clients are in search of additional support for themselves or loved ones.

Our Mental Health Partners

“DynamiCare has proved to be an instrumental tool for our sober living.
The remote testing capabilities have been extremely helpful in reducing incidence of use for our clients on overnights. The remote testing has proved to be accurate and easy to use for clients and staff alike. Alex at Recover Hospitality made the setup and on-boarding process easy for our whole team. He was super accessible and knowledgeable for any troubleshooting we needed.”
- Ryan
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We are available from 10am - 8pm Eastern Time, M - F to provide support by text message.

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